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 Bananas are a widespread, edible fruit - a beech plant - produced by several large flowering plants in the Musa region. In some lands, the bananas used for cooking may be called "plantains", separating them from dessert bananas. Bananas are extremely healthy and delicious.

They contain essential nutrients and provide digestive benefits, heart health, and weight loss.

Apart from having a very nutritious diet, it is also a very simple snack.

Benefits: -

1. Bananas contain many essential nutrients
 Indigenous people in Southeast Asia have grown up in many parts of the world.

Bananas vary in color, size, and shape.

The most common variety is Cavendish, which is a sweet banana. Green when ripe, yellow as ripe.

2. Bananas Contain Properties in Blood Pressure
Bananas are rich in pectin, a type of fiber that provides meat with a sponge.

Both pectin and starch-resistant starch can lower blood sugar levels after a meal and reduce appetite by reducing diarrhea.

In addition, bananas also have a low to moderate level in the glycemic index (GI), which is a measure - from 0-100 - of how fast food raises blood sugar levels.

The GI value of the unripe banana is about 30, and the ripe banana is about 60. The average value of all bananas is 51.

This means that bananas should not cause large spikes in blood sugar levels in healthy people.

3. Bananas Can Improve Digestive Health
Dietary fiber has been linked to many health benefits, including improved digestion.

Medium-sized bananas contain 3 grams of fiber, making bananas a good source of fiber.

Bananas contain two main types of fiber:

Pectin: Decreases as bananas ripen.
Resistant Starch: Found in ripe bananas.
Starch-resistant starch ends up in your large intestine, where it feeds on the nutrients that benefit your stomach.

In addition, some test-tube studies suggest that pectin may help prevent colon cancer

4. Bananas Can Help Weight Loss
No study has specifically examined the effects of bananas on weight loss. However, bananas have a few characteristics that you should make for a weight-loss diet.

First, bananas have fewer calories. A typical banana has just over 100 calories - but it is also nutritious and filling.

Eating more fiber from vegetables and fruits such as bananas has been linked to lower body weight and weight loss.

In addition, unripe bananas are full of resistant starch, so they tend to be more filling and reduce your appetite.

5. Bananas Can Support Heart Health
Potassium is an important mineral for heart health - especially to control blood pressure.

Bananas are a great source of potassium. One medium banana (118 grams) contains 9% of RDI.

Potassium-rich foods can help lower blood pressure, and people who are high in potassium can have up to 27% lower risk of heart disease.

In addition, bananas contain the right amount of magnesium, which is also important for heart health

6. Bananas Contain Powerful Antioxidants
Fruits and vegetables are excellent sources of food antioxidants, and bananas are no exception.

They contain several types of powerful antioxidants, including dopamine and cats.

These antioxidants are linked to many health benefits, such as reducing the risk of heart disease and debilitating diseases.

In fact, dopamine from bananas does not cross the blood-brain barrier. It simply acts as a powerful antioxidant instead of converting hormones or emotions
8. Unripe Bananas Can Improve Insulin Sensitivity
Insulin resistance is a major risk factor for many of the world's most serious diseases, including type 2 diabetes.

Several studies have revealed that 15-30 grams of starch-resistant starch per day can improve insulin sensitivity by 33-50% in as little as four weeks.

Unripe bananas are a good source of resistant starch. Therefore, they can help improve insulin sensitivity.

Many studies should be done on bananas and insulin sensitivity.

9. Bananas Can Improve Kidney Health
Potassium is important in regulating blood pressure and healthy kidney function.

As a good source of potassium, bananas can be very helpful in maintaining a healthy kidney.

One 13-year study of women found that those who ate bananas 2-3 times a week were less likely to have a 33% chance of developing kidney disease.

According to one study, those who ate 4-6 bananas a week were about 50% more likely to develop kidney disease than those who did not eat the fruit
10. Bananas Can Be Beneficial
Bananas are often referred to as a complete diet for athletes mainly because of their mineral content and easily digestible carbs.

Eating bananas can help reduce muscle cramps related to exercise and pain, affecting up to 95% of the general population.

The cause of the pain is a great source of resistant starch. Therefore, they can help improve insulin sensitivity.

However, the reason for these results is not well understood, and not all studies agree on this issue.

Many studies should be done on bananas and insulin sensitivity.

9. Bananas Can Improve Kidney Health
Potassium is important in regulating blood pressure and healthy kidney function.

As a good source of potassium, bananas can be very helpful in maintaining a healthy kidney.

One 13-year study of women found that those who ate bananas 2-3 times a week were less likely to have a 33% chance of developing kidney disease.

According to one study, those who ate 4-6 bananas a week were about 50% more likely to develop kidney disease than those who did not eat the fruit
10. Bananas Can Be Beneficial
Bananas are often referred to as a complete diet for athletes mainly because of their mineral content and easily digestible carbs.

Eating bananas can help reduce muscle cramps related to exercise and pain, affecting up to 95% of the general population.

The cause of the pain is not well known, but popular belief blames the combination of dehydration and electrolyte imbalance.

Facts about nutrition: -
Bananas contain the right amount of fiber, as well as several antioxidants. One medium banana (118 grams) is also proud (1, 2Trusted Source, 3Trusted Source):

Potassium: 9% of RDI
Vitamin B6: 33% of RDI
Vitamin C: 11% of RDI
Magnesium: 8% of RDI
Copper: 10% of RDI
Manganese: 14% of RDI
Net carbs: 24 grams
Fiber: 3.1 grams
Protein: 1.3 grams
Fat: 0.4 grams

Disadvantages: -
Bananas are almost certainly safe to eat at all times. Side effects for bananas are rare but can include constipation, gas, constipation, soft stools, nausea, and vomiting. At very high levels, bananas can create high levels of blood potassium. Some people get sick with bananas. There is not enough information to know if it is safe to use bananas as medicine or any side effects.

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