Cashew (Anacardium occidentale L.), a tree native to East Brazil, was introduced to India by the Portuguese about five centuries ago. In India, cashew was first introduced to Goa, from where it spread to other parts of the country. Initially, it was found to be used in binding the soil to check for soil erosion.
Advantages of cashew: -
Shares are low in sugar and rich in fiber, heart-healthy fats, and plant proteins.
And it is a good source of copper, magnesium, and manganese - essential nutrients energy production, brain health, immune system, and bone health.
Rich in nutrition: -
Cashews are rich in various nutrients. One ounce (28 grams) of unroasted, salt-free
cashews give you around.
Cashews are especially rich in crude oil - a category of oils linked to low risk
of premature death and heart disease.
They are low in sugar, a source of fiber, and contain about the same amount of protein
as an equal amount of cooked meat.
In addition, cashews contain a large amount of copper, an important energy mineral
production, healthy mental growth, and a strong immune system.
They are also a good source of magnesium and manganese, essential nutrients for bone health
Contains beneficial plant combinations: -
Nuts and seeds are considered antioxidant energy sources, and cashews are also unique.
Antioxidants are a combination of beneficial plants that keep your body healthy by reducing energy
The destructive molecules are known as free radicals. Also, this helps to reduce inflammation
and increases your body's ability to stay healthy and free from disease.
Cashews are a rich source of polyphenols and carotenoids - two classes of antioxidants
found in other nuts of trees.
Studies link antioxidants to nuts such as walnuts, pecans, and almonds at low oxidative levels.
cell damage.
Because of their similar antioxidant profile, cashews are expected to provide similar benefits
to fighting ponds. This can be especially true of fried stocks,
which appear to have increased antioxidant activity compared to their non-green counterparts.
That means the number of cashew-related studies is limited and more research is needed
before strong conclusions were made.
It can help you lose weight: -
Nuts are rich in calories and fats. Therefore, people who wish to lose weight have always been present
advised to reduce the number of nuts in their diet.
However, research is beginning to link nutritious foods to high weight loss and lower body mass in general.
iron rather than nutritious food.
This can be explained in part by the fact that cashews appear to give less body mass
calories than you think.
According to the GoodData Central database of the Department of Agriculture
(USDA), cashews provide 157 calories per 1-ounce (28-gram) serving.
However, recent research suggests that the human body can only digest and digest itself
84% of these calories.
This is possible because part of the oil content remains trapped inside the cashew's
a fibrous wall rather than absorbed during digestion.
On the other hand, roasting or grinding peanuts can increase your body's ability to digest them completely
for them, thereby increasing the number of calories consumed.
As a result, the weight loss benefits may be even stronger for all green cashews, although more
research is needed to confirm this.
And you may be missing out on the antioxidant benefits that come with chewing gum.
In addition to providing fewer calories than expected, nuts are also rich in protein and fiber,
known to reduce hunger and promote feelings of fullness, both of which can progress
to promote weight loss.
May it improves heart health: -
Foods rich in nuts, including cashews, have been linked to a lower risk of disease,
such as stroke and heart disease.
A few studies have focused on specific cardiovascular health benefits.
One found that people with type 2 diabetes ate 10% of their daily calories from
cashews had lower LDL (bad) cholesterol in HDL (good) cholesterol ratios than those consumed
no shares at all.
Low levels of LDL and HDL are considered a sign of good heart health.
The other two studies link cashew nut consumption with higher HDL cholesterol levels and lower
blood pressure, and lowering the level of LDL cholesterol levels.
However, recent reviews show contradictory results. One of the included studies demonstrates that
Regularly eating stocks can lower blood pressure and triglyceride levels.
However, it has no effect on total cholesterol, LDL, or HDL levels.
Similarly, some reviews have failed to find significant changes in cholesterol or triglyceride
rates following the use of 1-3.8 ounces (28-108 grams) cashews per day
4-12 weeks.
Researchers suggest that these inconsistent results may be due to a limited number of
subjects and their small participant size.
They conclude that although cashews are just as vulnerable to heart health as other nuts,
Further research is needed to confirm this.
There is also a difference that can be based on whether participants in these studies take more space
junk food with stocks or just adding cashews to their current food patterns
It can help people with type 2 diabetes
People with type 2 diabetes can benefit by adding cashews to their diet.
That is in part because cashews are a good source of fiber, a nutrient that helps prevent blood clots
sugar spikes and is believed to provide protection against type 2 diabetes.
Studies that look at the effects of stocks on blood sugar levels are limited.
However, in one study, people with type 2 diabetes consumed 10% of their daily calories from
cashews had lower overall insulin levels - a blood-sugar marker - than those
he has not eaten cashews at all.
In addition, cashews contain only 8 grams of net carbs per share, which is less than 2 grams
they come from sugar.
Net carbs refer to the total amount of carbs in the diet, exclude the amount of fiber it contains -
preventing the number of carbs in your body that you can actually absorb.
Placing foods high in carbs net and sugar with cashews may help lower blood pressure
sugar levels (11Trusted Source).
That said, more research is needed to evaluate the effects of cashew foods on four people
type 2 diabetes.
It's easy to add to your diet: -
Shares are very easy to include in your diet.
They can be eaten raw or roasted, and they can be made into a light snack.
Whole or ground cashews can also be planted in a variety of varieties, from
rubbed tofu and stir in toast, soup, salads, and stew.
Cashew butter is another way to add cashews to your diet. Spread it on the toast or process it
yogurt or oatmeal.
You can process cashew butter and oats with your favorite dried fruit that you can make
home-made energy balls, which can be baked.
The stocks can also be added and mixed with apple cider vinegar or lemon juice in
make your own sour cream without milk or cream cheese.
Use this to add flavor to food or make non-dairy versions of your favorite desserts.
Just keep in mind that some fried and salty cashews can contain a significant amount of
he added oil and salt.
If your goal is to limit excess salt or extra fat, consider choosing roasted or undercooked salt
types of cashew if possible.
Facts about healthy eating: -
Cashews are rich in various nutrients. One ounce (28 grams) of unbaked, unsalted cashew nuts
gives you the surroundings.
Calories: 157
Protein: 5 grams
Fat: 12 grams
Carbs: 9 grams
String: 1 gram
Copper: 67% of Daily Value (DV)
Magnesium: 20% DV
Manganese: 20% DV
Zinc: 15% DV
Phosphorus: 13% DV
Steel: 11% DV
Selenium: 10% DV
Thiamine: 10% DV
Vitamin K: 8% DV
Vitamin B6: 7% DV.
Disadvantages: -
Accidents. The stocks contain oil, but these are high in fat, healthy in them
balanced prices.
Raw cashews are unsafe to eat, as they contain a substance known as urushiol, which is found in
Poison ivy.
Urushiol is toxic, and contact with it can cause skin reactions in some people.